TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Scope of application of basalt fiber materialsDue to their properties and characteristics, basalt fiber and end-basalt fiber products have unusually broad application prospects in various industries, in energy and construction. Industrial production
Electronic industry a reinforcing material for production of circuit boards, electronic equipment enclosures, housings for laptops.
Cryoengineering and equipment
Application of energy-saving technologies, high temperature and thermal insulating materials for various branches of industriesOur specialists have extensive experience in the application of energy-saving technologies for enterprises of various industries. More information see "Examples of the application of energy-saving technologies in industry"). Engineering industry enterprisesFurnaces for heat treatment of metal articles - fettling the walls and vault of furnaces, burner stones made from fibrous materials, packing cords. Installing the recuperators, the use of internal recovery system and recuperative burners. Bogie hearth furnaces - the working layer of walls and vault, burner stones, sealing insulation of movable elements of the hearth. Installing heat exchangers -recuperators, burners of variable geometry of the torch, recuperative burners. Bell-type, vertical, elevator and shaft furnaces - fettling of the walls and vault, burner stones, packing cords. Installation of recuperative burners and recuperators, the use of forced convection; the usage of flat flame’s burners and radiant heating systems. Heating furnaces - fettling of the walls, vault and hearth of the furnaces, outer fettling of coreless induction furnaces, heat-insulating layer for cored induction furnaces, the use of all reserves of internal recuperation system, including the forced convection; creation internal and external thermal and fire screens, if possible design of П - shaped furnaces with zones of recuperation and heating zones. funnel dryers for bulk materials - thermal insulation, packaging cords. Ferrous and nonferrous metallurgyPlant for ore roasting - insulation layers of flues. Plant the recovery of iron ore pellets - fettling with usage of fibrous and meltblown materials. Air heaters of blast furnaces – thermal insulation of walls, crown, air ducts of hot blast. Open-hearth furnaces - structural insulating layers, thermal insulation of vaults and walls of the furnaces, roofs of the regenerators, thermo-insulation of covers of loading devices. Boilers - utilizers of furnaces and convectors - insulating layers and high temperature filters. Casting ladles for metal - insulation of the covers ladles and of the covers installations for heating of ladles before metal's teeming. Furnaces for metal heating before rolling -fettling vaults, working and insulating layers of walls, the usage of recuperators or regenerators, the use of burners with disk-shaped flame in furnaces having a horizontal loading. Furnaces for melting non-ferrous metals - vaults, doors, heat exchangers, etc. Gas furnaces for heat treatment of metal - the fettling of walls and vault, heat reclaimers flue gas, flat- flame's burners; the usage radiant heating system for furnace operation in protective atmosphere. Bell-type furnaces for heat treatment of cold rolled sheet rolls - fettling of burning zones, usage of burner stones, heat reclaimers (recuperators), of flat- flame's burners; application of forced circulation of protective gas in the furnace; usage of hydrogen medium. Tube-rolling millsCasting ladles for metal - insulation of the covers ladles and of the covers installations for heating of ladles before metal's teeming. Thermal insulation elements of headpieces moulds for casting of blanks for seamless pipes. Annular furnaces - fettling of the walls and suspended vaults; usage of the flat flame burners; use of recuperators. Furnaces with walking beams - fettling of the walls, suspended vault; thermal insulation of the moving and non-moving beams; usage of burners with disk-shaped flame. Roller electric and gas furnaces for heat treatment of pipes - fettling of the walls and the furnace roof; insulating layer of the furnace hearth; heat insulation of rollers (to decrease of entrainment heat with cooling water). Enterprises of chemical and oil-chemical industry, petroleum refineriesTube furnaces for various purposes ( for reforming, pyrolysis, etc.) – working layer of the walls and vault; fettling of the radiation and convection chambers; thermal insulation and packing of inspection holes; burner stones. Furnaces for combustion of sulfur pyrites - fettling of the walls and vault. Steam boilers – fettle materials. Furnaces of petroleum refineries – fettling of the walls and vault, burner stones. Enterprises for manufacture of building materials and ceramic
Reconstruction of furnaces for kilning of porcelain. Tunnelling furnaces for tile burning – fettling of the walls and plain vaults; usage of burner furnaces; thermal insulation of inspection holes and access covers; use of burners with disk-shaped flame; creation of backward flow. Glass industryGlass furnaces – thermal insulation of vaults and walls of furnaces and regenerators. Drum-type dryers for drying of sand and dolomite- external thermal insulation of drums, creation of backward flow. Annealing furnaces - fettling of walls and vault. Power industryFettling of steam boilers, steam pipe-lines, heat runs, thermal equipment, turbines. Examples of practical application of energy saving technologies at the industrial enterprises of different industries are represented here "Examples of the application of energy-saving technologies in industry" Application of High Temperature Materials and High Temperature Composites (HTCM)
High Temperature Composites - VTKM-1, VТКМ-2, VТКМ-3, VТКМ-4, VТКМ-5 Series - are intended for lining of thermal equipment, smoke ducts; for complex of repair works of furnace lining (of chamber and tunnel furnaces, pusher-type and other types of furnaces); for pasting together of high-temperature ceramic articles (ceramic mothers for the bottom casting), for the manufacture of burning stones, as a binder in the production of thermal insulation and refractory materials; and for other usage. The main consumers of materials VTKM series are:
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BASALT FIBER MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Room 1803, 18F, Lucky Centre, #139-171 Wan Chai road, Wanchai, KL. |