Basalt Continuous Fiber (BCF) production techniques
Manufacturers of fiber and composite materials have already shown an interest in basalt continuous fiber (BCF). More importantly, consumers do have a great interest in this material. This interest is due to the following factors:
- BCF possesses some advantages over glass fiber, including its strength, chemical stability and temperature of application;
- Wide availability and low cost of basalt, which is an initial raw material for BCF production;
- Production is carried out with application of one- phase technology;
- Development of technology and equipment for BCF production during recent years allowed achieving the cost of production as low as the cost of production of E-fiber glass.
At the present time in the world there are two main variants of technologies and equipment for basalt continuous fiber production. There are big melting furnaces with long feeder (feeding installation), and technological lines consisting from modular units.
BFMTD Company possesses both types of techniques, has patents for its technologies and know-how, as well as for the most part of special equipment. Last years BCF production based on modular units is more perspectives.
In brief, BCF production technology can be introduced as the following sequence of operations:
- Melting of basalt breads into basalt melt;
- Homogenization of basalt melt and its preparation for production;
- Forming of basalt melt through a platinum alloy bushing assembly;
- Extraction of initial fiber, lubrication and winding on bobbins.
All those operations are quite simple, especially if you consider that primary fusion, homogenization and enrichment of basalt initial raw material was made by ancient volcanoes, i. e. by nature. Aimtechnologies: to ensure a good quality of BCF, production stability and the required level of production cost.
The basalt continuous fiber production process is similar to the glass fiber production process only visually and differs from the glass fiber production process by the following characteristic features:
- Basalt is ready natural raw material that was initially melted to the state of super fluent magma.
- The physical properties, crystalline structure, and chemical composition of basalt differ from these of glass.
- The thermo-physical properties of basalt melts essentially differ from these of aluminosilicate glass melts.
- The process of basalt melting does no contain the operations that are specific for glass melting and clearing and cooling glass melts, so the design of basalt melting furnaces significantly differs from the design of glass melting furnaces.
- The basalts from different basalt deposits differ by their properties that have an effect on the parameters of the basalt continuous fiber production process.
The properties of basalt raw materials essentially specify the parameters of BCF production process and modification of BCF technological equipment.
All those technological features determine the particular qualities of equipment and bushing assemblies, which are used for BCF production. The experts emphasize that, while BCF production technologies seem to be simple, in practice they are quite complex and require a great deal of know-how.
The basic features of technologies are as follows:
- Selection of basalts breads according to their fiber-forming (long basalts) characteristics, as well as in accordance with application of BCF materials;
- Technological processes of basalt melting melt homogenization and its preparation for formation in accordance with degree of its amorphism, viscosity and temperature interval;
- Processes of fibers forming through bushing assembly.
To secure achieving the goal of industrial production of high-quality BCF, the whole range of technological features in their complexity are ought to be considered, and special equipment needs to be designed to match the goal.
BCF Production techniques
The diagram of the production process of basalt continuous fiberDescription of the production process
The basalt raw material is reduced to fractures 5 ~ 20 mm in dimension→ the basalt fractions are fed by the charging conveyer (1) to the melting furnace (2)→ the charged basalt is melting at a temperature of 1400 ~1600 °C → the melted basalt passes through the die holes of the bushing (3) → from the bushing, the basalt continuous fibers 9 ~ 15 mm in diameter (4) are fed to the unit (5) for applying lubricant → the winding unit (6) performs the operation of winding the continuous basalt fibers on the spools (7) → the basalt continuous fibers from the spools are rewound into the bundles (9) of basalt fiber roving.
A technological process of BCF manufacturing
Smelted basalt is loaded to the stove feeder and goes through the holes of bushing assembly
Basalt is smelted in the stone smelting furnace under 1450~1600oC
Winding machine is winding continuous fiber on drums
Drum of BCF filament
Handling trolley with drums of BCF filament (primary fiber)
Coils of BCF roving
- Only one component – basalt, which is an environmentally safe natural material – is used for BCF production;
- Cost of basalt raw material is very low; the share of raw materials cost in the cost value of production is less than 5-7%;
- BCF production technology consists of only one phase – melting. There is no need for primary enrichment, fusion and homogenization, as all of those were made for free by nature;
- To make BCF basalt should be heated up only one time;
- Further processing of BCF into materials does not require energy; it’s made with application of “cold technologies".
- BCF techniques are energy-saving technologies, BCF Production is ecologically clean manufacture with use of high NANO-Technologies, making it possible to produce fibers of 6-21 microns in diameter and length of 40-60 kilometers.
Development of technologies and equipment for BCF production from the past to the present. Patents for inventions and “know how”.
BCF industrial production has a short history of only 25 years. The initial BCF industrial equipment was very expensive, and energy-hungry. To be able to realize the perspectives of development of BCF production, one should clearly understand that BCF technologies are still on the initial stage of their development and that their real perspectives are enormous.
At last years BFMTD completed the earlier started researches of fusion processes of various basalts types, thermo-chemical reactions during active basalts melting and homogenization of basalt melts, workability and characteristics of melts during continuous fibers production, developing of bushing assemblies. All these scientific researches were implemented in practice in the new series of technological equipment.
At the present time the new generation of BCF equipment provides the possibility to reduce consumption of energy, includes: natural gas at 3 times and electricity at 7 times (against the feeder melting furnaces, it was equipment of more earliest design ), increase productivity at 2 times, and, accordingly, the production cost of high quality basalt fiber was reduced significantly.
The production processes and processing equipment for basalt fiber production are protected by the following patents
UA 77861 |
Method and Device for Producing Fiber from Basaltic Rocks |
UA 90065 |
Method and Device for Producing Basalt Continuous Fiber |
UA 86186, UA 12855 |
Slotted Feeder Assembly (bushing) for Producing Fiber from Melted Basaltic Rocks |
UA 48338 |
Method for Producing Basalt Continuous Fiber use Feeding Melting Furnace |
ZL2004 1 0101966.0 CN |
Method and Device for Producing Continuous Fiber from Basaltic Rocks |
ZL 2005 1 0008 181.3 CN |
Method and Device for Melting Basaltic Rock in Producing Basalt Fiber |
2321408 RU |
Method for Producing of Basalt Continuous Fiber from Basalt Rocks and Device for its implementation |
RU 2412120, RU 94571 |
Device for Producing Basalt Continuous Fiber use Feeding Melting Furnace |
RU 2381188 |
Basalt continuous fiber |
RU 83247, RU 84843 |
Slotted bushing-assembly |
UA 99794 |
Method for Producing of composite reinforcement and Device for its implementation |
The history of development of technologies and equipment for BCF production.
The first samples of BCF were received in Ukraine of the Soviet Union in 1959- 61. The first basalt continuous fibers of satisfactory quality were produced with laboratory equipment in 1963. A great deal of work followed to develop BCG production techniques and equipment for, to study fiber characteristics; to develop of samples of BCF materials and to study their potential fields for application.
In the middle of 1980-ies the first industrial installation for BCF production was designed and launched in a factory near Kiev. Within several years some other plants with annual output of 350 and 500 tons were launched. Those installations were equipped with furnace for basalt melting with two feeding installations, which had platinum alloy bushings. The bushing assemblies consisted of stream feeders (heating tubes) and special bushing plates. Feeding installations were a significant step forward in development of basalt technologies.
But this kind of equipment had some shortcomings, such as high energy consumption on unit of production, great weight of bushings and rather low productivity. In Soviet time the main consumer of basalt materials was the defense industry (the armaments industry), so there was no attention paid to the high cost of BCF production.
In the end 1990-es a new generation of BCF production technologies and equipment based on a modular approach were designed, it was made in order to decrease energy consumption, lower equipment costs and minimization of the bushing weight. On the basis of new modular techniques in 2000-2002 the Ukraine-Japanese joint venture for BCF production was built, new BCF Plant produced heat-resistant fibres used in Toyota's car mufflers. In Ukraine, in 2003 year, the new BCF plant was established using new techniques.
A new modular laboratory and industrials installation with low energy consumption was developed and commissioned for two BCF plants in PR China. Experience of BFMTD technical experts in China gave a new impetus to the developments of basalt technologies. New types of basalt were tested for BCF production, new energy saving equipment were developed and launched. Dr.Osnos S.P., the leading specialist of the company, carried out all the basic scientific and engineering development works according to the state program No. 863 of Chinese Peoples Republic, "Continuous Basalt Fiber and Composite Materials on its Basis". Two BCF factories in China were established use new modular techniques designed by Dr. Osnos. One in Chengdu city, «Chengdu Aerospace Tuoxin Science & Technology Co., LTD» later renamed in «Sichuan Aerospace Tuoxin Basalt Industrial Co., LTD»; and another in Shanghai «Shanghai Russia Gold Basalt Fiber» and Zhejiang province «Hengdian Group Shanghai Russia Gold Basalt Fiber» - «GBF»(Gold Basalt Fiber).
In 2008-2009 BFMTD’s experts established a new BCF plant “NPO” “Vulkan”” in Russia Federation.
Beginning from 2000 year, experts of our company have extensive experience of organization of production on the basis of basalt fiber to use of new technologies on a modular approach. Their portfolio includes seven plants for BCF and STBF projects in Ukraine, Russia and China.
More information see «Development of BCF technologies and equipment from the past to the present» and «Performed projects»
Basalt Continuous Fiber. Industrial equipment.
At the present time “BASALT FIBER MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD” mastered production of TE BCF 1500-2000 processing line, which is developed on the basis of BCF new series installations.
Modular installations of ТЕ BCF 1500 - 2000 Processing line

TE BCF 1500-2000 processing line
TE BCF 1500-2000 processing line is designed for industrial production of BCF with the low energy consumption. The line with 16 units (bushings) has a capacity of 1,500 tons a year, the line with 22 units – 2000 tons a year.
Technical Data | Measure units | TE BCF 1500 | TE BCF 2000 |
Number of Modular unites (bushing)
The productivity of the production line *
A mode of behavior night-and-day. day/year, stop for repairing
Consumption of gas
Consumption of electric power (220/380,50 Hz) not less
Consumption of technical water (in grader)
3.5 - 4.5
4.5 - 6.0
Weight of a spool with basalt continuous fiber
BCF production line overall dimension
- width;
- length;
- height with a recuperator
* Notes. The actual productivity depends on the quality of basalt raw material and qualification of the operators of the processing units.
Performance Specifications of the BCF Modular Production Units and the TE BCF 1500-2000 Processing Line:
- Metal construction platform for 16- 22 BCF modular production units of the TE BCF 1500-2000 Production line, each unit with a bushing-assembly (16-22 pcs.)
- 16-22 winding units with control and monitoring equipment ;
- The equipment for charging basalt and the system for controlling charge of basalt into melting furnaces;
- The system for recovering heat of exit gases, the smoke removal system;
- The air supply system and the gas supply system;
- The electric equipment of the processing units and the production line;
- The system for controlling process parameters of the processing units and the production line;
- The section for lubricant preparation and the system for feeding lubricant to devices for applying lubricant to basalt fibers;
- The water-cooling system;
- Driers for dry of primary fiber and BCF roving;
- Equipment for rewinding basalt continuous fiber into bundles of basalt fiber roving;
- Cut machines for cutting of primary fiber and BCF roving;
- Handling trolleys, spool holders and auxiliary equipment
TE BCF 1500 – 2000 processing line is complicated by main and auxiliary equipment for producing of marketable BCF products, such as BCF roving, BCF chopped fiber. At the client’s requirements TE BCF 1500 – 2000 technological line can be complicated by machines for twisted thread producing.
BCF manufacturers with annual output of 3 000, 5 000, 10 000, 15 000 tons of BCF are created on the basis of the TE BCF 2000 processing lines.
Advantages of TE BCF 1500 – 2000 processing line
TE BCF 1500 – 2000 production lines consist of modular BCF units of new series. The main constructive advantages of the BCF installations are:
- Different design of the melting furnace that has a high temperature melting zone, zone of homogenization of basalt melt, zone of preparing the basaltic melt for pulling of filament from melt, feeding zone;;
- Special recuperation system for energy saving melting furnace;
- High effectively gas burners of new design;
- More productive slotted bushing assemblies having weight of 1500-1650 gram; these new bushings are characterized by higher productivity and lower weight;
- Special electric transformers, coolers for the bushing assemblies and other new developments.
New generation of the processing equipment developed by the BFMTD provides the possibility to reduce consumption of energy (natural gas in 3-4 times and electricity in 6-7 times), increase productivity at 2 times, and, accordingly, the production cost value of high quality basalt fiber be significantly reduced.
Melting furnaces of each modular unit are operating offline, separately each from other. At the same time it is possible to produce BCF of various characteristics by means of setting of operation mode of each modular unit. In whole this design makes operation of the technological line more dependable and sustained.
Control and Monitoring Systems for Basalt Melting Furnaces and Basalt Fiber Production Line
The control and monitoring of the equipment of the basalt melting furnaces and BCF processing units is important for ensuring the proper operation of the equipment and maintaining optimal parameters of the production process.
The control and monitoring system of the production line and processing modular units is developed as a two-level system.
At the first control level, the system provides the measurement, control, and monitoring of the primary process parameters. The values of the parameters are displayed at the control panels of the operators of the melting furnace and of the operators of the production unit. The control panels with controls and indicators are installed at the workstations of the operators of the melting furnace and production units.
Control panel of the operator of the modular melting furnace of the BCF 1NG production unit
Control panel of the operator of the BCF 1NG production unit
The analog output signals of temperature transmitter, temperature transducers, pressure transducers, timers, current meters, tachometers and other devices are converted into the corresponding digital signals that are used as input signals of the central computer at the second control level. The central computer provides the display and storage of the data on the parameters of the production process and the equipment of the production line TE BCF 1500- 2000.
Control panel of the fiber winding unit
The control panel at the second level of the control and monitoring system
Preparation, Installation, and Commissioning of the ТЕ BCF 1500 - 2000 Production Line
The works for the preparation, installation, and commissioning of the ТЕ BCF 1500 - 2000 production line shall be performed in two stages.
The first stage
- Selection of basalt raw materials for the production of basalt continuous fiber;
- Developing of Requirements to production premises and engineering communication, needed to organize BASALT CONTINIOUS FIBER (BCF) and Materials on their basis production, design of BCF project. Author's support and participation in designing and construction of BCF plant;
- Preparation of production facilities and engineering services for installation and commissioning of the equipment. Build a new premises or carry out of reconstruction of already available industrial premises for accommodation of TE BCF 1500-2000 technological line, supply of engineering communication;
- Manufacture, supply, installation, and commissioning of the first priority equipment of the TE BCF 1500-2000 production line rated at the productivity of 500-1000 ton of basalt continuous fiber per year, and complex equipment for production of the finish BCF products, including: driers for primary continuous basal fiber and basalt fiber roving, rewinding units for BCF roving, and units for cutting basalt fiber roving into chopped fiber;
- Start of BCF production, producing of pilot batch of BCF, train of personnel operate of technological equipment;
Period of completion is 7-8 months if production premises and engineering utilities will be ready to set up equipment.
After launching the first BCF-1 installation the final selection of basalt breed is to be made, and technological modes of BCF production are to be worked out. Technicians and operators are trained on BCF-1 installation as well. At the same time BCF-1 installation allows to begin BCF production. Thus, after 5 months small volumes of BCF can be produced, this time can be used as a preparatory period for marketing. Simultaneously with launch of first priority equipment of the TE BCF 1500- 2000, the company begins spade-works of the second stages.
The second stage
Upon request from customers the BFMTD delivers equipment and technological lines for BCF materials production, including: twisted thread and BCF articles, such as: BCF rebar, basalt mesh, composites of various shape, pipes, rods and others based-BCF materials.
Execution of the design supervision by BFMTD specialists. Creation of the Standard Specification for the production of basalt fiber, BCF roving, and chopped basalt fiber; transfer of others technological and technical documentation required to operate of the equipment and produce marketable BCF products.
Before the installation of the equipment, the customer should prepare production facilities and engineering services required for the production
After commissioning the first production units of the production line start training the operation and maintenance personnel. The first priority production units provide the possibility to start the production of basalt continuous fiber after 5 months from the start BCF project. Technological modules are installed step by step – this approach allows starting production immediately after the module’s installation. The supply and installation of the first priority production equipment shall be accomplished at the first stage of works to be performed for the preparation, installation, and commissioning of the ТЕ BCF 1500-2000 production line. In this case, the installed modular production units will be used for the production of fiber without delay. So, the fiber is produced concurrently with the supply and installation of the second priority equipment. When the second phase is finished, technological line starts to work with total designed output of 1500-2000 tons of BCF per annual.
Comparative characteristics of technologies and processing equipment for BCF production
Year of equipment launching | Type technology and equipment Diameter of filament fibers, d (micron) | Unit discharge for 1 kg of BCF production |
Natural gas, (m3 ) |
Electric power, (kw/hour) |
Weight of bushing assembly and quantity of draw dies of the bushing, not less than |
*Productivity of single bushing assembly, (kg/hour) |
1985 |
Feeder installation (d = 9 - 13 µ) |
3.1 – 3.2 |
9.3 |
3200gram, 200holes |
5.5 - 7 |
1999 -2001 |
Modular installation НБВ – 1 (d = 15 - 17 µ) |
1.0 – 1.1 |
6.0 |
1800gram, 200 holes |
8 |
2004 |
Modular installation CBF-1G (d = 10 - 12 µ) |
0.9 |
2.8 |
1650 gram, 200 holes |
8 - 9 |
2006 |
Modular installation CBF-1GM (d = 9 - 13 µ) |
0.65 |
1.5 |
1680gram,200 holes |
9 -10 |
2009 |
Modular installation CBF-2GM (d = 9 - 13 µ) |
0,5-0.6 |
1.2 |
1680 gram, 270 holes |
15 - 16 |
* Productivity of the bushing assembly depends on the quality of basalt raw material, operator qualification and quantity of draw holes of the bushing assemblies.
Analysis of data presented in table 1 show that the new generation of equipment allows to reduce consumption of energy (natural gas at 3-4 times and electricity at 6-7 times), increase productivity at 2 times, and, accordingly, the production cost of high quality of basalt fiber to be significantly reduced.
BCF-1GM Modular gas-electric installations; it’s main application is working though the operating modes of BCF production, researching of fusion processes of various basalts types, fiberization properties of basaltic melt, selection of basalt raw material, working at melting furnace design.
BCF-2G, BCF-2G Modular installations use for industrial BCF production.
Work at design of modular BCF techniques started in Ukraine and were continuing in PR China under conditions of expensive energy in China, where cost of natural gas and electric power sometimes is higher than in some European countries,
BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF BCF-1G installation and BCF-2G industrial Modular Installation
Technical data | Measure BCF-1G installation | Measure BCF-2G installation |
Productivity of furnace (midrange value) , kg/hour of BCF |
8 – 12 |
20 - 24 |
Consumption of natural gas at steady-state mode of operation, normal m3/hour (8200 - 8300 kKal/m3). |
6.5 |
10.0 – 12.0 |
Consumption of electric power, Wt (220/380V,50 Hz) |
12 |
25 |
Temperature inside furnace, 0С |
1350 -1600 |
1350 - 1600 |
Development of technologies and equipment for BCF production. Patents and “know how”.
Before wide application of BCF materials stopped by complexity and novelty techniques for industrial BCF production. Last years BFMTD Company continued works in development of technologies and equipment for industrial production of basalt continuous fiber. The goal of these developing are increase of productivity of industrial equipment, reduce consumption of energy, reform quality, strength properties, and elasticity of basalt continuous fiber. Now this goal achieved, the new series of energy-saving technological equipment for industrial production of high quality BCF were developed.
New generation of equipment allows to reduce consumption of energy (natural gas at 3-4 times and electricity at 6-7 times), increase productivity at 2 times, and, accordingly, the production cost of high quality of basalt fiber to be significantly reduced.
The production processes and processing equipment for basalt fiber production are protected by the following patents:
UA 77861 |
Method and Device for Producing Fiber from Basaltic Rocks |
UA 90065 |
Method and Device for Producing Basalt Continuous Fiber |
UA 86186, UA 12855 |
Slotted Feeder Assembly (bushing) for Producing Fiber from Melted Basaltic Rocks |
UA 48338 |
Method for Producing Basalt Continuous Fiber use Feeding Melting Furnace |
ZL2004 1 0101966.0 CN |
Method and Device for Producing Continuous Fiber from Basaltic Rocks |
ZL 2005 1 0008 181.3 CN |
Method and Device for Melting Basaltic Rock in Producing Basalt Fiber |
2321408 RU |
Method for Producing of Basalt Continuous Fiber from Basalt Rocks and Device for its implementation |
RU 2412120, RU 94571 |
Device for Producing Basalt Continuous Fiber use Feeding Melting Furnace |
RU 2381188 |
Basalt continuous fiber |
RU 83247, RU 84843 |
Slotted bushing-assembly |
UA 99794 |
Method for Producing of composite reinforcement and Device for its implementation |
Basalt continuous fibers (BCF). Organization of the industrial production of BCF and BCF primary materials.
The present information is devoted to questions of the organization of industrial production of basalt continuous fibers and marketable primary materials on their basis (BCF roving, chopped fiber, basalt twisted thread). The modern process equipment and a modular principle of design of TE BCF 1500-2000 technological line is offered for organization of BCF industrial production. TE BCF 1500-2000 industrial line it is a complex of technological equipment for BCF production, including BCF modular production units, winding units with control and monitoring equipment, equipment for charging basalt and the system for controlling charge of basalt into melting furnaces, system for recovering heat of exit gases, the smoke removal system; air supply system and the gas supply system; electric equipment of the processing units and the production line; system for controlling process parameters of the processing units and the production line; section for lubricant preparation and the system for feeding lubricant to devices for applying lubricant to basalt fibers; water-cooling system; driers for dry of primary fiber and BCF roving; equipment for rewinding basalt continuous fiber into bundles of basalt fiber roving; equipment for rewinding basalt continuous fiber into bundles of basalt continuous thread; cut machines for cutting of primary fiber and BCF roving; handling trolleys, spool holders and auxiliary equipment.
Basalt continuous fibers (BCF). BCF primary materials industrial production.
BCF roving production
Basalt fiber filament rewind into bundles of basalt fiber roving at the rewinding unit (thrower)

BCF chopped fiber production
The spools with basalt continuous fiber are installed on the spool holders for cutting the fiber at the fiber-cutting unit.
BCF twisted thread production
Twisting units (twister) are used for producing of twisted thread
Multisection twisting unit for production of twisted thread from primary basalt continuous fiber
Fiber cutting unit ( chopper)
By the given plan it is offered to design modern manufacture for producing primary marketable BCF materials, including BCF roving, chopped fiber, twisted thread. The packed basalt fiber roving, basalt chopped fiber and basalt twisted yarn may be used for production of BCF-based finish materials (cloth, meshes, nets and other textile and composite materials).
Necessary conditions for organization of basalt continuous fibers and BCF materials production:
- Presence of engineering communications: natural gas or LPG, the electric power, water;
- Industrial, storage and other subsidiary premises;
- Presence basalt career (with basalt suitable for BCF manufacturing) in nearby district is desirable.
Requirements to industrial premises and engineering communications
Company will give detailed requirements to industrial premises and engineering communications for accommodation of BCF and BCF materials manufacture in addition during negotiations.
It is possible use already available industrial premises for accommodation of TE BCF 1500 – 2000 technological line or to build new premises. The company has experience development project of BCF and BCF-based materials in Ukraine, Russia, Tajikistan, Iran, and China.
Industrial premises for TE BCF 1500-2000 Technological line accommodation

Premises should have following engineering communications:
- As the energy carrier natural gas (NG), liquid petroleum gas (LPG), or associated petroleum gas is using;
- Also electric power (220/380V, 50 Hz) and circulation technical water (in grader).
As an example Industrial premises for the chopped strand mats production made from BCF.

Preparation, Installation, and Commissioning of the ТЕ BCF 1500-2000 Production Line
The works for the preparation, installation, and commissioning of the ТЕ BCF 2000 production line shall be performed in two stages.
The first stage
- Selection of basalt raw materials for the production of basalt continuous fiber;
- Developing of Requirements to production premises and engineering communication, needed to organize BASALT CONTINIOUS FIBER (BCF) and Materials on their basis production, design of BCF project. Author's support and participation in designing and construction of BCF plant;
- Preparation of production facilities and engineering services for installation and commissioning of the equipment. Build a new premises or carry out of reconstruction of already available industrial premises for accommodation of TE BCF 2000 technological line, supply of engineering communication;
- Manufacture, supply, installation, and commissioning of the first priority equipment of the TE BCF 1500- 2000 production line rated at the productivity of 500-1000 ton of basalt continuous fiber per year, and complex equipment for production of the finish BCF products, including: driers for primary continuous basal fiber and basalt fiber roving, rewinding units for BCF roving, and units for cutting basalt fiber roving into chopped fiber;
- Start of BCF production, producing of pilot batch of BCF, train of personnel operate of technological equipment;
Period of completion is 7-8 months if production premises and engineering utilities will be ready to set up equipment.
After launching the first BCF-1 installation the final selection of basalt breed is to be made, and technological modes of BCF production are to be worked out. Technicians and operators are trained on BCF-1 installation as well. At the same time BCF-1 installation allows to begin BCF production. Thus, after 5 months small volumes of BCF can be produced, this time can be used as a preparatory period for marketing. Simultaneously with launch of first priority equipment of the TE BCF 1500- 2000, the company begins spade-works of the second stages.
The second stage
- Manufacture, supply, installation, and commissioning of the second priority equipment of the TE BCF 1500 - 2000 production line rated at the productivity of 1000-1500 ton of basalt continuous fiber per year
- Supply and installation of the equipment for reprocessing primary basal continuous fiber into basalt fiber roving and other marketable materials based of basalt fiber. Training of personnel. Period of completion is 8-9 months.
Upon request from customers the BFMTD delivers equipment and technological lines for BCF materials production, including: twisted thread and BCF articles, such as: BCF rebar, composites of various shape, pipes, rods and others based-BCF materials.
Execution of the design supervision by BFMTD specialists. Creation of the Standard Specification for the production of basalt fiber, BCF roving, and chopped basalt fiber; transfer of others technological and technical documentation required to operate of the equipment and produce marketable BCF products.
Before the installation of the equipment, the customer should prepare production facilities and engineering services required for the production
After commissioning the first production units of the production line start training the operation and maintenance personnel. The first priority production units provide the possibility to start the production of basalt continuous fiber after 5 months from the start BCF project. Technological modules are installed step by step – this approach allows starting production immediately after the module’s installation. The supply and installation of the first priority production equipment shall be accomplished at the first stage of works to be performed for the preparation, installation, and commissioning of the ТЕ BCF 1500-2000 production line. In this case, the installed modular production units will be used for the production of fiber without delay. So, the fiber is produced concurrently with the supply and installation of the second priority equipment. When the second phase is finished , technological line starts to work with total designed output of 1500-2000 tons of BCF per annual.
Experts of the company have wide experience in developing, manufacturing, installation and start-up of equipment for manufacturing of BCF and BCF-based materials.
BFMTD can provide all range of services in BCF production, beginning from technological consultations, developing technological and operation documents, technological regulation documents; and finishing with building the whole projects. BFMTD can develop administrative arrangement of the enterprise, most optimal personnel list of the enterprise which is determined with consideration for the experience gained in the 5-year operation of the enterprise for production of basalt fiber in Ukraine, with productivity of 1200 ton per year, and the new enterprise in Russia and China. BFMTD provides a new manufacturer with legal protection, based on it’s technological and equipment engineering patents.
Integrated solutions
BFMTD’s work model implies providing customer with full means for total cycle production, beginning with getting basalt, which is a raw material, and ending with finished products - BCF materials. This kind of total cycle production model is highly effective and profitable. BCF production is based on application of technological lines TE BCF 1500-2000. TE BCF 2000 lines are the base of BCF production plants with production capacities 3 000 / 5 000 / 10 000 / 15 000 tons a year
BCF and BCF materials production facilities have modular design, which allows quick and effective production organization.
BFMTD offers technological processing equipment for reprocessing of basalt fiber into BCF products, including machines, installations, and technological lines for fabrics, nets, mats, profile plastics, basalt-plastic rebar, composite materials and basalt fiber products manufacturing.