TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Продажа БНВ и материалов БНВCompany profile
At the moment Companies represent following facilities:
The Companies experts carry out complex works at the research of basalt from local deposits and quarries, analysis and select the best basalt raw material for manufacturing of basalt fiber and scale. Companies have la, and Basalt scale. To analyze and select basalt deposits, the specialists of BFM TD and BFCM develop the special procedure. This procedure was tested in the analysis and selection of basalt deposits for operating and designed plants in China, Russia, Ukraine, and other countries. More information see: «Row Basalt». Technologies and Equipment for production of basalt fibres, basalt scales and materials on their basis.We propose to Customers Plants Designed Projects, Technologies and Process Equipment for producing of basalt fibers and materials made on their basis.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE and EXECUTED PROJECTSExperts of the company have extensive experience in designing, manufacturing, installing, and commissioning processing equipment for production of BCF and materials of their basis, STBF and heat-insulating materials. Their portfolio includes BCF and STBF projects in Ukraine, Russia and China. Dr. Osnos S.P., the leading specialist of the company, carried out all the basic scientific and engineering development works according to the state program No. 863 of Chinese Peoples Republic, "Continuous Basalt Fiber and Composite Materials on its Basis". Dr. Osnos guided installation of two BCF factories in China (one in Chengdu and one in Shanghai). Executed projects, developments, scientific researching developed by our experts in field of basalt fiber and fiber-based materials are presented in section EXECUTED PROJECTS. BASALT CONTINUOUS FIBERThe company gives special attention to development of technologies and equipment for production of BCF and BCF-based materials. Production of BCF and materials on their basis is the most promising direction, which comply with the world trends in development of composites and reinforcing materials. The technologies developed by BFMTD allow manufacturing of high quality fibres on considerably low cost. The production processes and key components of the processing equipment for BCF production are protected by our own patents for inventions. At the present time interest to basalt continuous fiber and basalt-plastic composites are growing. It is connected with following factors:
AUTHOR’S RIGHTSAll basic process technologies and key components of the process equipment associated with the entire cycle of the BCF production are protected by our patents for inventions. ECONOMIC EFFICIENCYProcess equipment, integrated solutions for organization of the BCF production offered by our company, provide a high level of profitability of the manufacturing of BCF and materials on their basis. Integrated solutions of the fabricating, delivery, and launching of the process equipment, modular principle of BCF process lines makes possible start up production gradually; the first BCF modular unit runs after 5..6 months from the date of the beginning investment, small volume of BCF will be produced, technological modules are installed step by step – this approach allows start production immediately after the module’s installation; after 15…16 months (in concordance with stuff training) the outputting will be reach to designed productivity . Payback period of the BCF and BCF materials project is 2, 5…3 years. ENVIROMENT PROTECTIONBasalt – environmentally conscious natural material – is used for basalt fibers production The technology of BCF production process is not hazardous for environment; it does not produce any emission, only products of natural gas combustion. Also, production process does not generate harmful liquid wastes: a circulating water supply is used. Only domestic waste water from showers and toilets, from cleaning premises and washing working places at the end of shifts goes to the sewers. The only waste in the production of BCF is coarse fibers, which are formed during the manufacturing process. At the smoothly running manufacturing process such coarse fibers accounts for about 5%. ENERGY SAVING TECHNOLOGY IN INDUSTRYSurvey park furnaces and thermal equipment. Energy audit. Development of recommendations on energy efficiency for power-greedy industrial enterprises of power engineering, metallurgy, chemical industries. HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS and COMPOSITESHigh - temperature materials of special appliancation (fibers, glues, inorganic binding substances, fettle materials); products made of high-temperature fibrous materials (burner stones of gas and liquefied fuel-jets and kettles, special products). Application of Energy-saving technologies and High-temperature materials in Industry makes it possible to decrease of consumption of energy resources (gas and electricity) by 20-50%, which has a beneficial impact on environment.
Basalt Fiber Materials Technology Development Co., LtdAddress Hong Kong: Room 1803, 18F, Lucky Centre, #139-171 Wan Chai road, Wanchai, KL. «Basalt Fiber & Composite Materials» Tel (Kyiv): +38 067 402-76-33 Cell (Kiev): +38 098 616-25-10 contact person- Mrs. Olga Osnos E-mail:
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BASALT FIBER MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Room 1803, 18F, Lucky Centre, #139-171 Wan Chai road, Wanchai, KL. |